export class Formatters extends null
This class is redundant as all methods of the class can be imported from discord.js directly.
Contains various Discord-specific functions for formatting messages.
deprecatedstatictypeof blockQuote blockQuote :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
deprecatedstatictypeof channelMention channelMention :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
deprecatedstatictypeof formatEmoji formatEmoji :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
deprecatedstatictypeof hideLinkEmbed hideLinkEmbed :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
deprecatedstatictypeof inlineCode inlineCode :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
deprecatedstatictypeof roleMention roleMention :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
deprecatedstatictypeof strikethrough strikethrough :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
deprecatedstatictypeof TimestampStyles TimestampStyles :
Import this property directly from discord.js instead.
The message formatting timestamp [styles](https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#message-formatting-timestamp-styles) supported by Discord.
deprecatedstatictypeof underscore underscore :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
deprecatedstatictypeof userMention userMention :
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats the content into a block quote. This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats the content into bold text.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats a channel id into a channel mention.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Wraps the content inside a code block with an optional language.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats an emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Wraps the URL into <>
, which stops it from embedding.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with an optional title.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Wraps the content inside `backticks`, which formats it as inline code.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats the content into italic text.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats the content into a quote. This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats a role id into a role mention.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats the content into spoiler text.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats the content into strike-through text.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats a date into a short date-time string.
Import this method directly from discord.js instead.
Formats the content into underscored text.